Friday 23 March 2012


What a corker of a week!
Finally, an accrued day off from work, ahhhh!, spent in a haze of ..., well, actually, a haze! or rather myopia, or so I have just learned.
After spending the amount of a third world country's national debt on my daughter's orthodontic treatment at the crack of dawn (thank YOU, Mr Mastercard) my next mission was apparently confirmation that I am indeed ageing.
As if the state of one's breast's, skin elasticity, hair colour, moustache etc etc is not enough to get you contemplating whether to be buried, cremated or made into a human popsicle like Mr Disney, my eyes have decided to turn traitor too.
Reassuringly, although I now need glasses for some distance vision, the kind child-optometrist informed me I am still legal to drive.
I have a defence for all those bollards, animals and small children I have mowed down recently in the car (just kidding).
Good grief; glasses, prescription lenses, some sort of superman-x-ray vision coating, total comes to $600.
Thats right, $600.
I had a rictus grin frozen on my face when the assistant asked how will I pay for this.
'Credit card' hissed between my gnashing teeth. Probably preferable to my honest answer which would be  'I have absolutely no idea'.
Can I add as I write this the cat still seems to have many loose motions. What in the hell is going on there?
Well, in two weeks time when my glasses arrive I may indeed find out!

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